Actually this was addressed:
So while Noah was a 'preacher of righteousness' this may refer to his preaching righteousness before the matter of the flood ever came up. This may have contributed to his being chosen to be saved.
the bible calls noah a preacher of righteousness.
however, it gives no indication that he undertook a global campaign to warn people of a coming flood of which they 'took no note'.. in gen chap 6 god gave noah very detailed instructions about building the ark.
in 6:18 and 7:1 he gave specific instructions about who to take into the ark.
Actually this was addressed:
So while Noah was a 'preacher of righteousness' this may refer to his preaching righteousness before the matter of the flood ever came up. This may have contributed to his being chosen to be saved.
mum aged 22 dies for jehovah....
It is getting a lot of publicity - this is the front page of the biggest selling newspaper in the UK. Let's hope this causes a lot of discomfort on the doors and warns off potential converts. The GB is bloodguilty for that death, and should be charged - this is one of the very few things I disagree with Ray Franz over - the GB is responsible and is entirely to blame for the deaths their interpretation bring about.
the bible calls noah a preacher of righteousness.
however, it gives no indication that he undertook a global campaign to warn people of a coming flood of which they 'took no note'.. in gen chap 6 god gave noah very detailed instructions about building the ark.
in 6:18 and 7:1 he gave specific instructions about who to take into the ark.
I thought I would add something to move the topic back up in the Active Topics. Yes I know the thread is not about sex, or sending Christmas card exchanges or wondering Do gentlemen prefer blondes? (now on its 4th page) or any other shallow nonsense that currently attracts all the user responses, but it deserves more than the handful of replies so far.
the bible calls noah a preacher of righteousness.
however, it gives no indication that he undertook a global campaign to warn people of a coming flood of which they 'took no note'.. in gen chap 6 god gave noah very detailed instructions about building the ark.
in 6:18 and 7:1 he gave specific instructions about who to take into the ark.
Well done skeeder for a very interesting post. JWD has been getting so repetitive and boring lately, but your insightful post was a breath of fresh air.
lets have some fun and title your very own copy of the awake or watchtower magazine.
i'll start off with a couple of my own :.
lend your money to jehovah to gain everlasting life.
Free Issue! But we want a donation...
[we are;] for we are not peddlers of the word of god as many men are, but as out of sincerity, yes, as sent from god, under gods view, in company with christ, we are speaking.
2 corinthians 2:17, new world translation of the holy scriptures.
heres what was translated as peddlers: kapeleuo from kapelos (a huckster); to retail, that is, (by implication) to adulterate (figuratively): - corrupt.
Jesus appointed him personally as His apostle
Jesus was dead and long gone when, ACCORDING TO SAUL, he was personally appointed as he walked along a quiet stretch of road on the way to Damascus. LOL. Anyway, I don't know why I am running with this really except that it reminds me of the GB, who claim they too are appointed by Jesus and others must take their word for it. Personally. I now doubt everything, even what I read in the Bible. There are not two Bibles, there are an infinite number of them in that whomever reads it seems to read something different to everyone else.
[we are;] for we are not peddlers of the word of god as many men are, but as out of sincerity, yes, as sent from god, under gods view, in company with christ, we are speaking.
2 corinthians 2:17, new world translation of the holy scriptures.
heres what was translated as peddlers: kapeleuo from kapelos (a huckster); to retail, that is, (by implication) to adulterate (figuratively): - corrupt.
Why should any writings of Paul be taken as 'inspired'? For all anyone knows, the corruption that Jesus warned about began as soon as he died. Paul was a Jew who saw a religious vacuum in a new religion, much like Rutherford did. He became a celebrity and peppered (to borrow a n analogy from Haszard LOL) his writings with personal opinion - he did not even hide this. He was quickly able to establish rules where there were none before and went far beyond what Jesus had to say. If disfellowshipping,homosexuality, and the role of womwn etc really mattered to Jesus, he had ample opportunity to discuss it when his words were being documented.
ok, not his exact words.. lets hope the cbc is a little more 'fair and balanced'..
Tony Blair - who is he? He has already been forgotten as a failed leader producing unfulfilled promises and blindly pandering to Bush - against the wishes of the majority of the British people who see Bush for what he is. Next year we can forget that sh**h++d too!
i think i'm at like 5 or something...i think.. just disappearing without saying goodbye counts.. .
so here we go.... .
wlg - 5.
who cares? only drama queens post goodbye threads. Noone really gives a rat's ass.
LOL so true. I have never said goodbye though I have taken a break now and then. I look forward to the day when I don't want to see what the WT is up to next. Only then, when I don't give a sh** about them, and talking about them here, will I truly have moved on.
man i love the feeling of power i get when people run away w/o me doing anything but beiing me.. but now that i think about it.
it's not my power but the power that fear has over them.
dang it i liked my first feeling better.. anywho.. i was in walmart yesterday and i was walking down the main aisle when the p.o.
I was in Walmart yesterday and I was walking down the main aisle when the P.O. came out from the side aisle. He was making a right until he looked up and saw and the abruptly looked down and turned left instead. He walked away very fast.
You are assuming he was shunning you. But just as possible is that he had a copy of Playboy and a few R rated DVD's in his cart that he did not want you to see. Maybe even some blood sausage, LOL. And the isle he was leaving he had just met his mistress, the WT study overseer's wife! haha